Venusian Guide to Breaking-Up

There is no such thing as "lost love." When people come into our lives, there is a higher purpose, sometimes beyond what our mind can perceive. The same thing goes for their exiting our lives. Knowing when to fight and when to accept the ending of a relationship is an art that only you can situationally perfect. Here, I am going to give you an outline of ways to take care of yourself during the process of as well as a ritual for dissolution. These things are helpful not only for break-ups, but also any type of ending.

The things you will read here will work with 100% efficacy if you do them.

Basic self-care is a must. When you are tired, hungry, amped on caffeine, or haven't had self-pleasure, the pain of ending a relationships is going to be way worse. Here's a list of things to keep as top priority during any dissolution phase.

-Get on a sleep schedule and make sleep something you look forward to. Use calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile in an infuser by your bed or sprayed on your pillow or eye mask.

-Come up with a morning routine that is fun and inspiring that you feel excited about doing before you get into work mode. Here's mine: Write my dreams, 10 minute meditation practice, oil-pull, dry-brush, drink honey-lemon-ginger-tea, take a run or do other stimulating physical activity. Make one for your self.

-Do all the things you would do if you were going on a date. Stay hydrated. Floss your teeth. Smell good. Take a nap. Get a massage. Dress in ways that feel good to you. Prepare yourself for love. Get used to looking and feeling good for yourself.

-Practice self-pleasure for sensual enjoyment without focusing on achievements. Set up your room as you would for a lover and give yourself enough time to explore your body sensually.

Whatever you do, do not make any self-care feel like chores. It needs to be pleasurable in order to serve the purpose of healing.

Dissolution Ritual:

Before starting your ritual, prepare you alter items and pick a time and place for your ritual. Have at least one item that represents something you'd like to integrate from the relationship, something you'd like to carry on with as your own and something you'd like to release back into the Universe.

Here are a few reflective questions to help you gather altar items for your ritual:

  • Write out a list of what this person brought to your life.
  • Write out a list of what is still alive for you from the relationship. This includes any of the dreams, visions, or shared goals that you are still invested in and want to do, even without the partner.
  • Write out a list of things that you are ready to be done with from the partnership, including any of the shared goals.

Every ritual has a beginning, middle and end. The beginning will be setting the space and calling in the energy you'd like to have present for your ritual. Some examples: Burning sage, lighting a candle, asking for support from the unseen realm of spirit guides, angels, and ancestors. In this phase, you will also set up your altar.

For the middle phase, you will approach your altar and pick out the items for integration and place them somewhere with you that will be carried on in your life. Next, take the items that represent what you are letting go of and prepare to let them be dissolved. You can burn, bury, submerge in water, (if they are bio-degradable) or break these items.

For the ending, close sacred space, give thanks. I like to take a few minutes to be in the energy of the ritual for a little while and then journal on anything that comes up.

Here's a video about ending relationships with a ritual

Looking Ahead at Jupiter and Saturn: Testing Faith and Strengthening Resolve

As we move through August, several powerful alignments will shape our journey. On August 14th, a Mars/Jupiter conjunction will energize our actions and expand our horizons. Then, on August 19th, we face a significant challenge with a 90° square between Jupiter and Saturn.

This square, taking place three times—on August 19th, December 24th, and finally in June 2025 (but in Cancer and Aries, bringing a different flavor)—is a defining aspect of 2024. On August 19th, we will see Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 17°, making an exact 90° alignment with Jupiter at 17° Gemini. Venus, also at 17° Virgo, opposes Saturn and forms a 90° alignment with Jupiter, creating a powerful T-square that will test our resolve and push us toward growth.

In addition, the Sun in Leo at 27° and Uranus in Taurus at 27° will form a challenging 90° alignment, adding to the intensity.

Understanding the Energies: Opposition vs. Square

  •  Opposition (Saturn qualities): This aspect is meant to slow us down, making us reflect on the polarity between two forces. It’s about making agreements and following through with integrity.
  •  Square (Mars qualities): A square represents two forces clashing, creating a third force. This aspect shows us where we are in conflict, urging us to find resolution—sometimes forcefully.

Focus on the Jupiter/Saturn Square

Let's break down the upcoming Jupiter/Saturn square. Saturn, retrograde in Pisces and in Jupiter's domain, is the force of tradition, wisdom, and contraction. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, represents natural law, justice, and spiritual truth. In Gemini, Jupiter is expanding possibilities beyond the constructs of time.

This first 90° alignment on August 19th highlights the exact topics we are confronting and are being asked to find resolution for. Saturn retrograde in ethereal Pisces is about building a foundation for intangible things—faith, spirituality, intuition, and connection with other dimensions. Meanwhile, Jupiter in Gemini pushes us to explore new ideas and perspectives, challenging the status quo.

Action Steps and Further Exploration

As we approach these powerful alignments, take time to reflect on the areas of your life where you feel tension or conflict. Look at the houses where you have Pisces and Gemini, particularly between 15-19° for any personal planets or points. The closer to 17°, the more intense this major transition will be.

Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the chart on August 19th, where I’ll explore the impact of these alignments and how you can navigate them with grace and intention. Remember, the journey of finding resolution is anything but straightforward, but with awareness and reflection, you can harness these energies for your growth and empowerment.

Journal Prompts:

  • What areas of my life are currently in conflict, and how can I find a resolution that aligns with my values?
  • How can I balance the expansive energy of Jupiter with the grounded wisdom of Saturn in my current projects?
  • What does this time of building a foundation for the intangible mean for my spiritual growth?

Call to Action
Take this opportunity to dive deep into your inner world. Reflect on the powerful energies at play and how they are influencing your journey. Use the journal prompts to gain clarity and set intentions for the coming weeks. And remember, I’ll be sharing more insights as these alignments unfold—stay connected for further guidance!